There are two ways to reach Dehradun from Saharanpur. One route is via Biharigarh and the other route is via Behat, Badshahibagh. In Biharigarh you will get land at ₹ 10000 per yard. But in Badshahi Bagh we are giving you land at ₹ 16.50 lakh/bigha. In which there will be 35 feet and 25 feet roads. You are getting this land close to nature. In 10 minutes you touch the border of Uttarakhand. Come early, get early. For Farm 🏠. Now you come, buy land for yourself in Badshahi Bagh, build your farm house and enjoy visiting Uttarakhand with your children. Along with this you will also be able to have darshan of Shakumbhari Devi. You have mountains, forests, farms, colleges, schools, banks and all the facilities nearby. Satya Prakash Sailwal, Ex-Army. Symbol of trust.
16.5 lakh per Bigha